Ready to work with our communities? 👉 Speak with Hannah. Book here.

What does sponsorship look like?

We have a number of ways you can promote your services with our communities.

In each section we provide examples of promotions and pricing from some of our communities so you can understand more about our communities, their engagement and their payment expectations.

One-off Sponsorships

Want to do a test run? You can do so in a number of ways:

In-person and virtual event sponsorship

What specifically each community offers in terms of promotion at in-person events varies but often includes; promotion on marketing material, speaking slot, access to mailing list of attendees before and after event as well as inclusion of promotional material at the event.

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Ready to work with our communities? 👉 Speak with Hannah. Book here.

In Community Ads Posted by the Community Manager

Promote your services via the most trusted voice in the community, the community manager. We trust our community managers to know what their members want to hear and we trust our community managers to communicate it in a way that will get people listening.

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DMs from the Community Manager to Selected Members